The Bemidji Area Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship America will be meeting on Saturday January 1st at the Beltrami Electric Community Room beginning at 8:00 a.m. Come early and join in on the worship, testimonies and fellowship with the men and women for this time of refreshing in the Lord.
Our Guest Speaker will be Abraham Hierlmaier from Bemidji. He writes: I was born September 1990, the fourth of five kids for my parents. They were believers and have attended the same church in southern Minnesota from when I was about 4 years old to this day. I graduated from Blooming Prairie High School in 2009 and the following fall I started at Riverland Community College (RCC) in there Industrial Maintenance and Machine Repair Program. In the fall of 2012 I completed my program as well as the requirements for transferring to BSU and in January 2013 I moved to Bemidji and began the engineering program. My story of Christ working in me began when I was about six years old after my whole family was involved in a severe car crash around Christmas time. My injuries included two broken legs and I was afraid I would die. Fortunately my mom was a believer and explained that if we have Jesus in our hearts we don’t have to fear dying. At that time she prayed with me and I asked Jesus to come into my heart and following my recovery I was baptized. Of course, when I moved to Bemidji I wanted to continue going to church and the second week I was there I found one that I continued to go to for the next 6 years. First Baptist Church of Bemidji has been a great church for me. As I attended the services and listened to various guests, it never seemed to me that I was going to go overseas to do missions. It wasn’t until a group of men from the church went to India to teach pastors and do outreach that I felt any draw. When they returned with the stories of Gods power transforming lives and deep need that was there; at that point I prayed that God would break my heart for what breaks his. In 2016 I was able to join a short term group going to Haiti with Country Faith Church through a coworker at Bemidji Aviation Services where I was working in their parts department. This was my first experience with missions and it opened my mind to missions and shortly after that I began looking into an organization called GoCorps. In January 2018 I left the US to serve in West Asia for 2 years with a training farm working with students mostly from Iran. The goal of the farm was to equip the students with an agriculture skill while also training them in scripture and how to be church leaders. After 2 years in West Asia and returning to the US I committed to serve another year with Avant Ministries which was my original sending organization. As lock downs and travel restrictions came up in 2020 I was unable to return to West Asia and God opened the door to serving in East Africa for a year. In November 2020 I left again to serve a year there and I have seen God work in many ways during my time there. I returned to the US in November 2021 and am currently preparing to serve in a long term position with Avant. Currently I am seeking where God would have me serve and am confident He will make it clear in is time. Please join us on Saturday January 1st at 8:00 a.m. for a time of fellowship with fellow Christian men and women. You will be refreshed and blessed. Comments are closed.
RecordingsWhen possible, we record speaker presentations to make them available online for those who are unable to attend. Archives
February 2025
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